Monday, January 5, 2009

Non-Offensive Blog

Sissy's new haircut ( and stingray earings from Grand Caiman Islands)


Danny and Jacqueline said...

Alyssa........Jacqueline wanted to tell you that you look beautiful with your new haircut. She's been talking about cutting hers short for a long time but I think gets scared each time she tries :). So I guess you're brave and beautiful. Andy....if you built that pretty sweet animal barn like you build anything else, then it's probably designed with earthquake-proof framing, tongue & groove exotic African-grown something-or-other wood, and roofing designed to withstand 230 mile-an-hour hurricane winds. Looks very cool, and well built.

maria said...

Dear Zuros,
Seeing that picture of Alyssa on the blog and the barn made me so homesick for you guys I could hardly stand it. I hope you liked having me as much as I loved being with your family. It really was more of an extended vacation and relaxation for me than work. Tell Max than Grandma doesn't have anyone to look for the "skoo bushh cummin" any more. And nobody wants to have sandwiches and chips at 12:30 and watch 101 Dalmations with me, so I'll just have to wait til the next time out. Love to all, Grandma Mar

maria said...

Holly, I think Alyssa forgot she had a Grandma Mar. Have her call me when she can after school or something. I miss the kids sooooo much. Heard you've been sick. I've been tending sick kids all week, and I finally got a touch of it myself. Call me sometime. I miss you guys. Love, Mom