Sunday, February 8, 2009

Olympics 2024!

Look at the form on this kid as he holds a perfect "no footed" push-up plank position. We're trying to get him to work on doing it one-handed but he's got to work on some upper body strength.
"It's like an orange on a toothpick"


Danny and Jacqueline said...

Mike and Kim......I've got an extra set of hair clippers I think I could send you if it'd help with little mini Ronald McD there. Austin's been working on his baseball game lately and is getting dang good. Those two need to spend some time together at the sports park or something.

MJ said...

We're taking the "Sampson" approach to his hair.

Mom said...

So very cute, he's got the cutest little body ever! and don't you dare take clippers to that hair! It's just the cutest! (should I say cute again?) but that's what he is, so very cute!!!