Saturday, October 6, 2007

Cutest of the ugliest photos.

In following suit with some rather unattractive photos being posted here of the Neville family..........I couldn't help but include a picture that I just now took off Mom's camera (she filled the card up beginning when she bought the camera in 2002 and I just now saved them to a disk for her to allow more picture taking). When I first saw this picture I recoiled in horror, then realized who it was, then laughed until I nearly pee'd my pants.........enjoy. The bigger you make it the scarier it gets. It kind of reminds me of a picture Holly sent out in a email not too long ago.........


seamer said...

Wow, was this picture taken with a circus mirror reflection? What is up with the distorted face. She looks shocked, bewildered, and just generally Down Syndrome-ish.

seamer said...

Oh, by the way Dan, if you come across a picture of me on that camera just go ahead and delete it.

holly said...

I think I have caught a fish that looks a lot like her

toddyhotroddy said...

I will name this picture "Shark bait".