Sunday, September 23, 2007

excitement @ jacob's football game

An exciting football game for quarterback Jacob Myler, with the QRU and Idaho Falls ambulance responding to remove him from the football field. With a hard hit from 2 guys at one time, it was thought he had a spinal injury. Luckily he didn't and is still recovering from the pain.


holly said...

Yeah, JoAnna, you're a blogger! Is that you and Alan in the second picture? Are those newspaper pics?

Danny and Jacqueline said...

Since when is Jacob a star quarterback?? Last time I checked he was playing centerpede soccer and t-ball??? Glad to hear he's OK.

MJ said...

JoAnna, how is Jacob doing? You should post some pictures from your church history tour. We are going to try to make it up to the sacred grove this fall. Probably just drive up and spend the night. Any recommendations on where to stay up there?

toddyhotroddy said...

I want to know which one of the two sackers got credit for sacking the QB and almost sending him into the next life. Glad he's doing okay.

jodi said...

Yes, that is me and Alan assisting the QRU. Jacob is doing ton's better. They think he just damaged and bruised the spinal column and surrounding tissue. The same weekend we had Alan in the emergency room removing a piece of metal that stuck dead center in his pupil. (wasn't wearing goggles when grinding metal, duh) I have tons of pictures from the church history tour, I just got to sit down and put them on.